
Find Community | Support Local | Save Money

The reasons to join

A Social Network with Standards
A common question we get asked is, what is myLifePool about?

Friendship & Community

Are you looking to make new friends, meet like-minded people or spend time with people facing similar challenges to you? Do you want to give back to your community by supporting others and supporting local? Whatever your story is, myLifePool is here for you.

myLifePool is a private members community with strong community standards and we welcome people onboard who are positive, respectful, open-minded and supportive. If this sounds like a community that you would like to be a part of, join today and connect with like-minded people while saving money. Choose to surround yourself with kind supportive people like you.

Saving Money & Support Local

The social enterprise started in Harrogate and the community is thriving while also raising funds for local charities and generating new loyal customers for local businesses. In York, myLifePool will generate an income to support Explore York’s libraries and reading café’s. By joining today you will receive a ongoing 15% discount on food and drink at the Hungate reading café and gain access to all discounts currently offered in the Harrogate district.

While our community is growing in York we are offering FREE membership for a limited period. 

Click the Join Now button and become a LifePooler!

Supporting Local Businesses

As our community grows, we will be offering an opportunity to selected businesses who value the myLifePool community standards to come onboard.

To find out if your business is eligible and how you could benefit from welcoming new loyal customers through myLifePool click here.

Social Media with Standards

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Save Money &
Support Local